Laundry Solutions: Making This Weekly Chore More Fun

Everyone has their least favourite household chores. While it might not be as bad as cleaning the oven, laundry generally makes the list. It’s not only one of the most...

Everyone has their least favourite household chores. While it might not be as bad as cleaning the oven, laundry generally makes the list. It’s not only one of the most frequent chores, but it is also time-consuming. Unless you establish a routine, you’ll probably find yourself putting off laundry day for as long as possible. Of course, the longer you wait, the more laundry there is to do! 

You’re going to laugh, but what if laundry day could be made to be enjoyable? Even – dare we say it, fun? These quick tips will turn one of the most boring household tasks into your favourite. Or, at least help make it slightly more bearable…

Upgrade Your Laundry Bin

If you have a traditional laundry bin, it may be time for an upgrade. Instead of a bin where all your clothes are thrown in together, check out the ones with two sides – one side for darks and one for lights. These handy bins will, in effect, sort your laundry ahead of laundry day, making the process quicker and easier. It will also spare you from the hazard of ruining your lights by accidentally washing them with a red sock. Depending on your preference, there are plenty of two-sided bins made from wicker, fabric, or plastic on the market.

If you’re a laundry superstar, you might also keep a small bag in the laundry room or your closet for clothes that need repairs. A dry cleaning-only bag is also recommended. These separations will help you care for your clothes in the short term, while also preserving them in the long run. You may not have the energy to separate your laundry to this degree, but giving at least one upgrade a try can significantly reduce the energy you expend on laundry day.

Upgrade Your Detergent

Instead of traditional brands from grocery stores, you may want to consider upgrading to detergents with higher quality, more sustainable ingredients. There are a lot of innovative companies working to make laundry look and smell better while also minimising harmful chemicals. Who needs perfume when your laundry already smells like lavender or cedarwood? 

Some eco-friendly brands to try:

Listen to a Podcast/Audiobook

You might already do this, but if not, give a new podcast or audiobook a go while you do laundry. It will make the chore feel more like a choice. Plus, you might actually learn something! Need some recs? Our founder, Jon Thurling enjoys listening to How I Built This with Guy Raz and A Short History of...

Involve the Family

If you have kids, getting them involved in helping out with the laundry can not only be a great learning exercise, but it can also be more fun for both of you. They can help sort the laundry, and when it’s done, you can fold together. First to finish their pile wins a treat!

Air It and Re-wear It

Of course, the easiest way to make laundry more fun is minimise how much there is to do. In the spirit of sustainability, have you considered that you might be washing your clothes too much? Gym gear, undies, socks, and most tops need to be washed after one wear, but that pair of jeans you only wore once to get groceries? It probably doesn’t need to be thrown in the laundry bin just yet. 

Check Out Our Affordable Wardrobe Organisers UK

A lot of clothes get washed unnecessarily because people don’t know where else to put their worn, but not dirty pieces. That’s where a solution like FloorDrobe® comes in. You can hang these clothes separately from your clean clothes in the closet, and they’ll stay in good condition until you next wear them. No more clothes on the chair or the floor!

3 Easy Laundry Solutions to Try

Pin Socks Together

Someone once told me that wearing odd socks is a sign of creativity. I took it as a compliment at the time, but I can tell you firsthand that that’s not quite true… It’s more a sign of being disorganised and in a hurry! If you’re someone who consistently walks around wearing non-matching socks, this tip is for you. 

A lady finds a sock in the laundry

Instead of chucking your socks on the floor when you get home, immediately pin them together before tossing them into the laundry bin. They will stay pinned together throughout the wash and dry process and when you’re scrambling to get ready in the morning, they’ll still be together! 

Use Mesh Bags for Delicates

Delicates like underwear and tights can easily get ruined in the laundry. To avoid this unnecessary waste and frustration, protect your delicates by putting them in a mesh laundry bag in advance of the wash.

Try a Shirt Folder

Have you ever heard of a shirt folder? This ingenious device will help you fold your t-shirts and thin sweaters to perfection. Folding this way not only looks better, but it helps you fit more into your drawers while also keeping your clothes from wrinkling. 

Don’t Forget to Clean Your Laundry Machine

Last but not least, it’s recommended to clean the laundry machine every now and then. If you’ve noticed a mildew smell, it’s definitely past time to clean your laundry machine. Shop laundry machine cleaners here.

Upgraded Laundry Solutions = A Better Relationship with Clothes

If laundry tops your list of dreaded chores, it’s definitely time to give your laundry routine a makeover! Even small changes to your routine, like cleaning your machine and swapping your detergent for a more luxe scent can make the experience of doing laundry feel more enjoyable. This in turn can heighten the relationship you have with your clothes. When you care more about how and when you wash your wardrobe, you’ll find more enjoyment in getting dressed. Proper laundry care will also help your garments last longer, which is good for both you and the planet.

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