Closet Declutter 101: Organise Your Wardrobe Like a Pro

If there is one thing we can all relate to, it’s that no matter what size closet you have, you’ll always find a way to fill it. Before long, your...

If there is one thing we can all relate to, it’s that no matter what size closet you have, you’ll always find a way to fill it. Before long, your closet that once stood empty is now completely out of hand, with shoes piling up and jumpers sharing hangers with shorts. If this sounds like you, it’s high time for a closet declutter.

Having a tidy closet and chest of drawers not only makes it easier to find things when you’re getting dressed but it also saves valuable time. No more searching for 20 minutes in the morning for your favourite tee, only to find it hidden beneath a pile of clothes on the chair. In just one afternoon, you can give your wardrobe the overhaul it desperately needs.

Be Prepared for a Full-on Floordrobe if you Don’t Declutter

Word to the wise: if you don’t declutter regularly, then chances are you’re going to end up with a full-on floordrobe! As you move through a busy week, clothes will inevitably fall from your wardrobe, to your chair or even your floor. It’s like the feeling you get when you don’t unpack on a holiday and can’t find anything because it’s all in a heap. For someone who is house proud, having an untidy bedroom is an obvious no. So, keep these tips in mind to avoid the chaos before it begins.

Take Stock of What You Have

Let’s start with what seems insurmountable – your bursting-at-the-seams closet. Remember the old adage, ‘Well begun is half done?’ Well, insert here. Begin at one side of your closet and go through every piece of clothing, considering whether you’ve worn it in the past year. If not, you probably aren’t going to – or at least not frequently enough to warrant it clogging up your wardrobe. Any items that don’t pass this test should be pulled out and set aside. It’s time to say goodbye!

Sell or Donate Items You Don’t Wear

Once you’ve sorted through your clothes, decide whether you want to sell or donate your gently used pieces. Charity shops like Oxfam accept donations of clean clothing throughout the year. Click here to see exactly what they will take. Or, you can try selling on apps like:


Here at FloorDrobe, we’re big fans of supporting the circular economy. Our founder, Jon Thurling, recently replaced an old pair of shoes with a pair sourced from Vinted. Not only did he get a great deal, but he’s minimising waste by purchasing from Vinted, rather than a retail store.

Vinted Shoes FloorDrobe Founder Recycled

Pack Away Seasonal Items 

Once you’ve parted ways with the clothes that you no longer wear, pull out any clothes from your wardrobe that aren’t seasonally appropriate. In the UK, this can be tricky as the weather can be hot/sunny one minute and cold/rainy the next. However, you can count on not needing puffer jackets, wool trousers, and scarves in the summer. And in the winter, you can safely put away all your summer ‘fits. It’s easy to forget how fun it can be to pull clothes out 6 months later – it’s like discovering a brand-new wardrobe! Storing off-season clothes also allows you to fully get a sense of what you have.

Order Wood or Velvet Hangers

A jumble of dry cleaner hangers just doesn’t cut it anymore. Not only do they look bad, but clothes can slip off them or get damaged. Donate or recycle your old wire hangers and invest in high-quality wood or velvet hangers, instead. From experience, we recommend ordering more than you think you’ll need, plus hangers with clips for trousers and skirts. Matching hangers will give your closet a quick visual lift, making your wardrobe appear more cohesive and less cluttered.

Closet Declutter by Color, Style, or Occasion

Next, it’s time to rehang everything according to your preferences. Some people like to sort their closet by color, but you might instead prefer to organise by frequency of use, style, or occasion. The most important thing is that it makes sense to you. Trust us – it’ll make your life much easier as you’ll always know where things are!

Everything Can Face the Same Direction

Here’s a simple closet hack: when you’re putting your clothes on their new hangers, try facing them all in the same direction. Not only does it look 100x neater than clothes that all face different directions, but it also conserves space as the clothes fit better into the closet. You’ll see an instant improvement!

Drawer Dividers for Your Chest of Drawers

Repeat the same steps with the clothes in your chest of drawers but with a few tweaks. If you haven’t used them before, consider drawer dividers. These are especially useful with small items like underwear and socks.

Best Clothes Racks for Compact Bedrooms - FloorDrobe®

Now, take a look at what’s left. Dirty clothes go in the laundry basket, but what to do when they aren’t ready for a wash? You know the ones – the jeans and shirts that have been sitting in that slowly growing pile on your chair for the past week. You don’t want them to mingle with your freshly laundered clothes, but neither do they need to be washed just yet. For all these leftover bits and often-used clothes, there’s FloorDrobe®. Easy to use, space-saving, and sleek for modern bedrooms, FloorDrobe® provides a place to hang the clothes you plan to wear again. 

Stop Procrastinating: Start Your Closet Declutter Today 

Every square inch of space matters when you’re living in a small flat or home, so don’t let the clutter pile up on the floor! Having clothes bursting out of the closet or strewn across furniture isn’t just an eyesore – it’s impractical. Not doing a closet declutter sesh at least once a year is undoubtedly slowing you down as you move through your day-to-day routine. The time is now – address it before you get dressed!

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