Big News! In 7 days, we are launching our Kickstarter Campaign!

As you may have seen on our website, we have been preparing a Kickstarter Campaign! But what is Kickstarter? Kickstarter is a platform where people/creators post their proposals for the...

As you may have seen on our website, we have been preparing a Kickstarter Campaign! But what is Kickstarter?

Kickstarter is a platform where people/creators post their proposals for the world to “back” or, in other words, support!

Here’s the gist:

Project Discovery: Kickstarter is a platform where creative individuals like artists, entrepreneurs, and innovators showcase their ideas for projects. Hence why, we at Floor-Drobe® have chosen to launch on Kickstarter!

Supporting Innovation: As a potential backer, you can support these projects by “backing” their development. For Floor-Drobe®, “backing” us will earn you a Floor-Drobe®! In order words, you “back” us -> we reach our funding Goal -> we ship you the Floor-Drobe® when it is ready!

Risk-Free Backing: One key aspect of Kickstarter is its all-or-nothing model. Your pledge is only charged if the project reaches its funding goal within the specified timeframe. If the goal isn't met, you won't be charged.

Direct Connection with Creators: Kickstarter allows you to directly connect with the creators behind the projects you're interested in. You can check out not just us but a whole host of fantastic creators and entrepreneurs creating awesome projects!

Making Ideas a Reality: By backing projects on Kickstarter, you're not just supporting individual creators; you're also playing a part in bringing innovative ideas to life.

Project Fulfilment: Once a project is successfully funded, we will fulfill your orders when they are ready. Check out the timeline for more information! Lucky for us, the first batch of Floor-Drobes® are all ready produced and on their way to the UK! None the less, we will keep you informed every step of the way with constant updates!

Join the Community: Kickstarter isn't just a platform for backing projects; it's also a vibrant community of creators and backers passionate about innovation and creativity. By backing projects, you become part of this community, supporting and celebrating the work of talented individuals from around the world.

So check it out!

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